Are disengaged employees costing your organization's performance results?
You likely have a
Performance Culture problem.
No matter the position, whether it be sales or client support, or product implementation, performance matters. Every department must perform and the people do so for their reasons, not yours. That is the power of culture. Does yours perform? With over two decades of experience applying the lessons of scientific management to create performance cultures, PCE drives results.
“From building the team to putting in place key processes to working through the details of the CRM and reporting system to creating key infrastructure upon which we can build - Jim is a dynamo. He attacks each new challenge with vigor and enthusiasm.”
— J.T. - CEO
Book Your Analysis Now
For the cost of one unengaged employee ($25K), Dr. James will produce an actionable plan your organization can use to fix your turnover problem, increase employee engagement, and get all stakeholders invested in your company's growth.
“Efficiency without efficacy is the shovel without a hand.”
– Dr. James Chitwood